Madi Abdullrahman
Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman


The Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering is one of the important disciplines contributing to cultural development in the world today, as this specialization is interested in the study of various chemical industries, the most important of which is the oil and gas industry and the search for modern ways. and technologies that contribute to the development of these industries. Due to the great dependence of the economy of the state of Libya on these sectors and as a result of the increasing growth and rapid development of modern technologies in the fields of various chemical industries, the need arose to establish a postgraduate course in this field aimed at preparing qualified personnel capable of meeting this challenge and based on these data the Libyan Academy initiated the establishment of the School of Applied Sciences and Engineering. The Institute of Chemical Engineering and the Institute of Petroleum Engineering were established at the Libyan Academy based on the decision of the Secretary of the Academy No. (47) For the year 2004M.


The future vision of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering is to be one of the leading departments in the field of research, study and training of scientific teaching staff.


Training outstanding cadres in the field of chemical and petroleum engineering and leadership in conducting research and studies, knowledge transfer and localization of technology to serve and develop the community.


  1. To consolidate and develop the scientific-research base among students of the department and to prepare experts in the field of chemical and petroleum engineering through in-depth specialized study and serious research for innovative scientific and applied additions and discovery of new facts.
  2. Promoting scientific competences to keep up with the rapid progress of science and technology and encouraging them to be creative and innovative.
  3. Development of scientific research, its stimulation and organization, communication with industrial and manufacturing institutions using research results and technological applications, providing scientific and engineering consultations and technical services to public and private institutions in the state and developing scientific trends to solve community problems.
  4. To provide opportunities for undergraduate and specialized education in the field of chemical and petroleum engineering for the continuation of undergraduate studies locally.